Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another plane crash in Khartoum...

And I was supposed to be flying to Khartoum today too. Not any more. I'll blog some more later.

(funny, someone was telling me just last week that the greatest risk of injury or death in this mission is flying...)

1 comment:

Christopher said...

Hi Wayne,

You are blessed with God's protection. Isn't there a U.N. airplane dedicated for the mission?

Anyways, I am off to Syria and Lebanon tomorrow morning for business (via Cairo). I will follow your news from there and wish you a pleasant summer.

Canada Day and my birthday were celebrated in style, complete with fireworks (private ad public). Today, I am fighting with the hundreds of birds in our backyard, who seem to be complaining because we are harvesting the mullberry trees and the cherry tree. They had enough already, and we want to bake a few pies.
Even Birds struggle for their food nowadays. I feel really mean by taking some. I don't know how would it feel eating pie.

