Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sharm El Sheikh

Jas, Scott, Rory, Bill and I have travelled to the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheikh for a little R&R. Rory and I started the day off right with a local Egyptian beer, Stella, at the Cairo Airport while waiting for our connecting flight to Sharm. Egyptian beer is good. Once we got to Sharm, we hung out in the lobby, checking out bikinis, went for breakfast, hung out at the beach checking out bikinis and went out for dinner with a Russian woman who thought we were funny. Russians have an odd sense of humour. Enyways, its great here, a combo beach holiday and Vegas-type atmosphere. And lots of bikinis.

1 comment:

Christopher said...

Funny?? Compared to Egyptians!! No way...The Egyptians are the award winners when it comes to "Funny".

What's funnier, is that the Harper government may fall this week after six weeks in office. Joe Clark's lasted six months!!

Have a good time.