Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Things getting back to normal here, Graduation Day for the South Sudan Police Service

Things are getting back to normal here, the UN people who were out of Sudan on leave are being allowed to return, the police who were relocated here from Khartoum are going back and we are being allowed to go on leave again. It was tense for a while but it seems okay for now. It forced us to do some much-needed emergency planning at least.
These pictures are from the graduation of over 2400 South Sudan Police Service officers here in Juba last week. They had completed six months of training (it was scheduled to be four months) and are being posted to various points in South Sudan. In RCMP terms, we did basic training in troops of 32 or 24, and when I trained the maximum amount of members in training in Depot was 600. This was the equivalent of four times all of Depot graduating at the same time.
The UN provided funding, accomodation, supplies, instructors etc. for the SSPS. Quite a task, my hat's off to our people who did it.
The first picture is some of us UN folks watching the Parade (yes, I'm in there somewhere), the second and third are the graduates parading obviously, the fourth is my boss, the Deputy Police Commissioner with me in the background and the fifth is the SSPS officers and family and friends celebrating afterwards.

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